pre·pare [pri-pair] 
verb (used without object)
to put things or oneself in readiness; get ready: to prepare for war.

It’s the beginning of August. For many, this is the last chance for a vacation! And soon following, the summer will come to a close, school will begin and the new ministry season will be upon us.

For me, August marks the time to prepare. Personally and gratefully, I am not preparing for war, but I am getting my things and myself in readiness mode with a mindset of winning and having a successful fall!

Here’s how I prepare:

Pray – I begin with a comfy chair and a cup of coffee. Somehow I connect with God better this way 🙂 Then, I ask the Lord to guide me through my planning time.

Review – I pull out my previous Life Wheel and Planning Pages and ask myself a few questions: What went well? Where am I stuck?  What do I want to do differently? I usually re-draw my wheel for a present snap-shot of my level of satisfaction in each area of my life.

Remind – I reflect on my personal vision, mission, purpose, and values which inform and direct my plans. *If you have never processed and written statements of vision, mission, purpose and values, I would be honored to help you! Vision and Mission Coaching

Plan – I make specific, attainable action plans in each area of my life that align with my vision, mission, purpose and values.

Let’s get ready for a winning season!