2015-03-02 17.21.05
I am embarrassed to say that up until recently, I drank very little water. It took someone telling me that my skin looked dehydrated to motivate me to drink the stuff. You see… I really don’t want to become a wrinkly old lady!

I’ve always known that there are many health benefits to drinking water, but I just couldn’t find the motivation to make it part of my lifestyle.

Shortly after hearing that painful “skin” comment, a friend of mine invited me to her One Simple Change Facebook Group. Believe it or not, the group was focusing on hydration for the month of February!  It seemed like a fun form of accountability to help me with motivation, so I joined the group.

Photos of water bottles, articles about the importance of H2O and encouraging words to cheer each other on, flooded the group page all month.

I brought my children in on the challenge, too, as you can see from my photo 🙂

After a month of drinking at least 56 ounces of water daily, I may actually be making a lasting change that will benefit my life forever. And, funny thing… I seem to be craving water now!

One Simple Change… This concept is extremely powerful when we are stuck in life or just want to grow to find a way to move forward.

I often ask women who I am coaching, “What one thing would make all the difference?”

Often, one simple thing comes to mind.

It could be as simple as laying out clothes for the next day before bed, completing one thing before moving on to the next, texting someone regularly to build the relationship, writing down one thing at the end of the day where you saw God at work. And so on…

Imagine the exponential impact that one simple change could make on your life.

Think about an area in your life where you are stuck or want to grow (spiritual life, ministry, business, marriage, parenting, home environment).

What one thing would make all the difference for you? And what would help you to actually do it?

A friend’s support, a reward system, perhaps a Facebook group…