The verdict is in! The gavel came down. The court is adjourned!

A conclusion has been drawn by God Himself, that you are no longer under condemnation, performance or judgment of any kind. You are free!

You are loved, accepted and approved of not because of who you are or anything you have done, but because of what Christ has done on the cross for you.

This is the gospel and it is good news for salvation for all who believe AND… it is good news for you who are women in ministry and wives of church-planters and pastors.

I have been a woman in ministry for many years and have always had a terrible problem with performance and the desire for approval. I think I came out of the womb wanting to please. I have spent too many hours stressing over how I measure up to others, what others think of me and how perfect my family and I come across to others.

I wish I had allowed the truth of the gospel to saturate my mind and heart a long time ago, but it wasn’t until perhaps 5 years ago, that I came to truly understand that the gospel is for me everyday. And the gospel is for you, too.

The verdict is in and it is yours!

The verdict is yours when you are comparing yourself to women who seem to have it all together; who have fun outgoing personalities, beautiful figures, great marriages, perfect children, professional careers and are eloquent speakers and writers.

The verdict is yours when you are under the performance and judgment of church members, your husband and worst of all, yourself.

The verdict is yours when temptation and sin seem to overcome you and you are discouraged that no matter how hard you try, you fail to live by God’s commands.

The verdict is yours when you don’t know what your role is, who you are supposed to be or what you are supposed to do.

Pause for a moment…

What are you dealing with right now? How would a reminder of the verdict comfort and free you?

May God encourage your heart today with the good news of the gospel!