There is a constant applause. Do you hear it? It is coming from the throne room. It began at the cross with an approval that is more valuable than any other approval. Take a bow… and another one. Not because of what you did, but because of what He did for you. The applause is right now happening, today, this minute, and it will go on and on, and it will never die down.
You serve. You help. You teach. You lead. You write. You parent. You organize. You counsel. And you wait and wonder… Does anyone notice? Does anyone think well of me? Does anyone approve?
Oh yes, someone notices, someone thinks very well of you, someone wholeheartedly approves. In fact, I believe His applause gets louder as you live out of your unique design and calling. Your service is cause for celebration! Sometimes He even stands to His feet and gives you a standing ovation!
But please, please remember… You have not earned His approval. You already have it and always will.
He never stops applauding. It is constant.
You couldn’t have a better audience!
For we are God’s workmanship (masterpiece) created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10