Do you remember the ant that moved a rubber tree plant? Check out the classic song. Everyone thought he couldn’t do it because he was so little. But, he had high hopes. So much of life is a matter of perspective. We look at the task, we look at ourselves and we determine that it…
Author: Terri Amos

Keep your eye on the umbrella – know your core values
Be Prepared

What Should You Do?

Here We Go Again
Close Your Eyes to See

Disappointment is a Gift? Now that’s a Mind-Set Shift!

Mindset Shift: Gaining Perspective through Questions

An encouragement to those with loved ones who are far from God

And Then A New Page Begins

I Surrender

Curiosity Opens Doors

The 364 Days In Between

From Despair to Delight

Silence is Golden


God: Your Constant Audience

Do you have a Sacred Companion?

Mary and Martha at Christmas